
Abalone Porridge (Chun-Bok Jook 전복죽)

After two years spent attaining my Mastoral degree, I came back home to search for employment.  I guess I also neglected our sisterly initiative regarding food as the last post "lame-o" by my sister clearly indicates.
So today, as I have some time on my hands, I am jotting down my quick training session with my mumsy so I do not forget her recipe (which she also learned from someone else I forgot...).

Abalone Porridge, Chun-Bok Jook 전복죽

Serving for 5-6
-3 cups of rice washed and drained in water (1:2 ratio for rice: abalones)
-6 abalones
-4 Table spoons of sesame oil
-8-12 cups of Water (depends on how dense or mushy you want it to be; more water, the mushier)
-1 Table spoon of special sauce to get rid of the fishy scent (향신료)
-1 pinch of thick salt

Cooking Utensil:
-Deep Pot
-Large spoon to stir

1. Unshell the abalones, scratch out the dark moss-like dark spots around the wrinkled edges.
    Save the guts and save in a separate bowl (good stuff! enhances taste), and add the special sauce to ameli
    Throw away the orange part that connects the body and gut.
    Cut 1/3 of the abalone flesh in wide and thin pieces so the eater knows the porridge is an abalone porridge.
    Cut the rest of them in smaller pieces than the above; cut in some of the pieces into the bowl with guts.
2. High Heat: Heat the deep pot and pour the sesame oil, stir in abalone flesh and heat it a bit,

3. Medium Heat: Pour in rice and stir with abalone for 2 minutes

4. ": Pour in water, and the contents in the guts+flesh bowl and keep stirring for 15-20 minutes. Keep pouring in some water if needed.

5. Stir in salt

6. Serve with Kimchi, and dried seaweed on top for colorful display!

If you plan to eat the rest for tomorrow, cook it less.  This way, you can pour a lil' more water in and re-heat it the next day.

Are you happy unnie? :)